This was submitted for publication from The St. Augustine Shores Emergency Response Team
It is time to enact your preparedness plan. Make sure that you have the necessary supplies available. Even if it approaches us as a tropical storm there is still the issue of heavy winds, power outages and exterior damage to your homes.
Do you have a flashlight? Does it have fresh batteries? Remember to fill your bathtubs with water prior to the event. Now is the time to fill your gas tank. Secure or move patio furniture from your yards and anything else that could become a projectile during a storm. "DO NOT" Open Windows during a storm.This often causes a vacuum that has often resulted in unnecessary and excessive damage.
Another great idea is to fill 1 gallon freezer bags with water and place as many of these in your freezer as possible. In the event of a power outage, these will help to keep your freezer cool and extend the life of your food. They can also be used in your cooler if you must evacuate. Is you disaster kit ready? Do you know what should be included? Below we have some great tips for preparing your kit.
Be sure to visit our website for more resources and information which will help you to be prepared and informed. We also have an interactive storm tracker as well as a link to NOAA Weather radio. This great informational source can be found at:
Don't take hurricanes lightly. Use a tropical storm watch as a wake-up call to get ready and be prepared. The tropics are heating up and it is not a question of "IF" but more of "WHEN".
If a tropical storm warning is issued for our area ...
Prepare a Disaster Supplies Kit
Assemble supplies you might need in an evacuation. Store them in an easy-to-carry container such as a backpack or duffle bag.
- A supply of water (one gallon per person per day). Store water in sealed, unbreakable containers. Identify the storage date and replace every six months.
- A supply of non-perishable packaged or canned food and a non-electric can opener.
- A change of clothing, rain gear and sturdy shoes.
- Blankets or sleeping bags.
- A first aid kit and prescription medications.
- An extra pair of glasses.
- A battery-powered radio, flashlight and plenty of extra batteries.
- Credit cards and cash.
- An extra set of car keys.
- A list of family physicians.
- A list of important family information; the style and serial number of medical devices such as pacemakers.
- Special items for infants, elderly or disabled family members.