This story was printed in the St. Augustine Record on July 6, 2008. As we get deeper into hurricane season, we felt that it was worth another look.
St. Augustine
Publication Date: 07/06/08
This is a story of how one community is preparing for emergencies and our hope is that it may serve as an inspiration to all communities.
Over the last two months SASCA (St. Augustine Shores Civic Advocate) in conjunction with The Conquistador Advocates (A community group within the Conquistador Condominium community) have been working on a hurricane preparedness plan for St. Augustine Shores as well as the condo communities located within.
With the continued help of FEMA, NOAA, as well as our local emergency management office, we hope to soon have a first responder team available to assist our neighbors before, during and after a storm. Our response team will be comprised entirely of local volunteers trained through the CERT program. CERT is a program sponsored by FEMA and promoted through the local County Emergency Management office. It prepares citizens in basic first aid, light search and rescue, mitigation as well as general preparation tactics. The only such model within the county is located at Coquina Crossing.
Another goal is to work with local business owners in order to promote a program titled "The Vial of Life." This program is designed to identify, educate and assist those residents with special needs, families with young children and anyone that may need special assistance in case of emergency.
It is unfortunate, in light of the extensive coverage centered around recent floods in the Midwest, record-breaking tornados nationwide, as well as hurricanes Katrina, Wilma and others, that so many Florida residents remain apathetic in terms of preparation. Our mission has not been easy. Many residents have stated that our plan is "overkill" and that "major storms don't hit here."
Our hope is that our mission, goals and planning model will never be utilized. My personal vision is that all of our county residents realize that it is better to have a plan and not need it than it would be if they were caught off guard with no place to turn. I would be honored to answer any questions in regards to our proposed plan and offer assistance in helping others prepare a plan of their own.
We have a wealth of hurricane information available on our community blog and welcome you to become better informed. That site address is:
In closing, please remember, it is not the local, state and federal government's responsibility to ensure that we are prepared. Preparation begins at home.